Thursday, December 17, 2009


In my conclusion, these past few weeks I didn't think that I would learn anything. But I really learned alot by reading my two books and all of that research. Especially about teens because I'm one of them. Everyone has there own opinions on what happens in the world when it comes to the law. It's amazing how many teens get in trouble and become a character in a book because the trouble is similar. I enjoyed doing this contract and concentrating on juveniles. Hopefully, everyone gets to experience and know the things I've found out.


If you have been charged with reckless endangerment, you could face serious consequences. In Washington, it is a criminal offense to recklessly engage in conduct that creates a significant or substantial risk of serious bodily injury or death to another individual. According to the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), reckless endangerment is a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to 365 days in jail and/or a fine of $5,000.

Often, in some places of seattle teens seem to do this crime. Recklass endangerment. My 3 friends from back in the day did a similar thing to this subject but there not fancin 365 days in jail or $5,000. One is facing only 2 years. The other is facing juvie life. And the last one is facing 10 years.

Things I Can Relate To

If you are facing criminal charges, you are probably feeling anxious or apprehensive about your future. Criminal charges in Seattle can result in the following punishments if you are convicted:
-Community service

These same excat things that are listed above. I just commited one silly crime and it caused me fines, community service, jail and probation. That all comes in a package once you get in trouble. Almost everyone I know had or has a probation officer. When I first got put on probation I didnt know that all my friends and other people I meet know aobut probation.

Resisting Arrest

If you are convicted of resisting arrest, the penalties can include the following:
-Up to 90 days in jail
-Up to $1,000 in fines

The funny thing is every time I've resisted arrest I never got 90 days in jail or $1000 in fines. I got arrested still but only until my mom came and picked me up. But maybe it depends on waht the situation is. Sometimes, A cop might think you was violent, or so he says. Then, The jail time might roll in, or hopefully fines instead.

Juvenile Crimes

  • Minor in possession of alcohol
  • Assault
  • Possession of marijuana
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Theft, including shoplifting and auto theft
  • Destruction of property including malicious mischief

These are also common juvenile crimes that alot of places including Seattle, WA. Many teens drink liquor and smoke budd so that may cause them to get in trouble . For example, some teenagers may get drunk at a park and end up fighting people to cause an assult charge. Weed mixed with achohol can blow your mind. Lots of people my age always steal frmo the mall. New things everyday. Cars too. And property distruction, I remember i can relate to that for wreckless burning.

Personal Opinon

The state statutes allow that a minor can be transferred from juvenile court to the adult court and tried as adult in specified serious or violent cases, even if the minor is as young as 14. In most juvenile crime cases a judge will determine when it is appropriate to make such a transfer.

Now, for one, a 14 year old teenager of any kind should NEVER be trialed as an adult. A 14 year old is no where near grown. Now I could tell if he was like 17 or 18, but he's 14! Why would a judge make a dumb ass decision? Im 16 years old and going to turn 17 next month, I still haven't everbeen trialed as an adult in my natural born life! I think they should put him in the juvenile system just like everyone else his age.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Book Review "MONSTER"

So far, the main character Steve is on his way to his first court date for his trial for felony murder. There was a robbery at a convient drug store where the owner of the store Mr. Nesbitt was shot and murdered. I guess Steve was the one to go in the store first to see if their was any police or other people in the store while the other two teenagers followed behind to proceed with the robbery. None of the teenagers brought a gun, but Mr. Nesbitt had one. And during the robbery one of the boys got their hands on the gun and killed Mr. Nesbitt. All three of them, booked.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Common Juvenile Crimes

  • Drug Possession
  • Petty Theft
  • Shop Lifting
  • Assault
  • Vandalism
  • Gang related activities

I can honestly say that these are the most things youths get booked or arrested for. Not to be all up in my own busniess but I commited all these crimes EXCEPT drug possesion and gang related activities. I'm sure I know many teenagers my age with these same corny ass charges. But the law is the law. I wouldn't know how to stop youths to stop commiting these crimes. The only thing that worked for me is school and baskeball because it takes up so much of my time that i don't have time to be a bad ass. Maybe if everyone had there daily schedual busy all the time then less crime would happen.

Another One of My Opinons

Seattle police say officers caught two juveniles suspected of an armed robbery of a gas station/convenience store in North Seattle.
Police responded to the robbery call at 11 a.m. Thursday at North 85th Street and Aurora Avenue North. Police say the suspects showed a pistol, demanded cash from the clerk and fled.
Police arrested them in the neighborhood.

Now that sounds like some moive type stuff. I wonder how much time they got since their juveniles. But then again some of my homeboys Have juvie life, then when they turn 18 they still got some more years. But that was another situation. I think it's best not to commit these hardcore crimes because somehow some way the pigs will find you. That's on the hood.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2nd Opinion!!!

"Right now, a juvenile who is convicted of possessing a handgun, which is illegal, is eligible for no detention time at all," he said. "We're saying if we catch them with a gun and they haven't used it yet, it's no big deal." SITE-

I somewhat agree and disagree with this situation. Some teenagers carry a gun for there own good to protect thereself. But some carry one to cause distruction. You'll never know what kind of person they are. Some do dirt with there gun all the time, and others kan have a gun and never even shot it before because no harm has came there way. The only thing this juvenile should get is a gun charge. Maybe a week or two in detention. But he didn't do no harm with it and wasn't attending to so that's just my opinion.

My Own Opinion!!!

SEATTLE -- A teen suspected of shooting a convenience store clerk to death in a weekend robbery was arrested Monday afternoon by a Seattle police SWAT team. Officials said the 17-year-old Seattle boy was arrested inside a house just four blocks from the scene of the murder, but they are not releasing his name or commenting on how they found him. The teen was questioned and booked into jail. WEB SITE:

It's crazy on how teenagers the same age as me do these dangerous things. I may be dangerous but only when I'm in dange myself. Now this guy didn't have to shoot the clerk to death. If he didn't like the clerk then he should've just beat his ass. I bet you the police wouldn't have caught him that easy if he just did that. There was no need for a gun in this situation, he didn't even take the money out of the cash register! Booked for murder. I would say that the community should take guns away but at the same time some people really need them to protect thereself.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I found some interesting facts on why youths become part of the crime system.

Parents frequently ask about the risk factors associated with increased criminal activity and how to focus on effective intervention. Prevention-oriented programs show promise of significantly reducing repeat offenses.
Factors that increase the likelihood that a juvenile will engage in criminal activity include:
Poor academic performance, poor attendance, expulsion, or dropping out of school is associated with higher rates of juvenile crime.
Family problems, including sexual or physical abuse, neglect, a history of criminal activity by a family member, and abandonment are associated with higher rates of juvenile crime. Family problems also indicate a lack of parental control.
Substance abuse, including arrests for drug or alcohol possession or sale, and the impact of substance abuse on juvenile behavior are associated with higher rates of juvenile crime. Alcohol or drug use can lower a person's inhibitions, making it easier to engage in criminal activity, and drug users may engage in criminal activities to obtain money to purchase drugs.
Gang membership, especially at an early age, is strongly associated with future criminal activity.
Gun possession is a factor that "magnifies" juvenile crime by making offenses more likely to result in injury or death.
Other risk factors include juveniles from single parent households, behavior and conduct problems, poverty, and early sexual experience.
It is important to note that these risk factors do not guarantee criminal behavior, but simply are associated with higher risk of such behavior. Because young offenders who exhibit multiple risk factors are the most likely to become chronic recidivists -- "career criminals" -- early intervention strategies that address these factors could reduce the rates of future criminal activity.

Book Review " Fast Sam "

I read a little bit of this book, and it starts off explaining everyone and everything. There's a guy named Binky who's Stuff's friend, and he can just about beat up everyone on their block which is 116th street. So there's a girl he liked named Debbie, but supposivily another boy named Robin liked her too. Robin was found to be tough also. So when Binky and Robin bumped into eachother on 116th street things got a little heated. Words were exchanged and a fight broke out. Bink verse Robin. Robin was winning at first but Binky came back and started to get his stuff right. Then, they was wrestling ont he ground, and all of a sudden Binky screamed and Robin took off running. Robin lost but bit a piece of Binky's ear off. The whole mob ran to the hospital with Binky's ear. But when they arrived the caused a lot of commotion which caused everyone to get arrested. And that's where i stopped at. At this point I might be ready for more but lots of little birdys told me the book "MONSTER" was really good.

{{ Research }}

Overall Major Crimes were down in Seattle in 2008 by 4%. This followed a large decline in crime in 2007 that saw the crime rate fall to a forty year low. Several trends within the 2008 crime statistics are important to note.
The concerning trend seen in 2008, however, was the outbreak of violence by and against young people. Early in the year, a young man was murdered at a private party. That incident was followed by four other incidents in which juveniles were killed. Fortunately, both the community and city government came together to express not only concern, but also determination that this situation should not be allowed to continue.
The citywide and precinct crime Major Crime statistics for August and September have now been posted. Through September, there has been a citywide increase in Major Crimes of 8%, up from 7% at midyear. Violent Crimes are up 18% compared with the same period one year ago; and Property Crimes are up 7%. The year-to-date increase in Major Crimes had stabilized in July and August, but rose slightly in September. The table below depicts reported Major Crimes by month in 2009 and compares the year-to-date totals with the same period in 2008.

Friday, December 4, 2009

1st Post "Intro"

I have a contract on Youth Crimes. Im researching about it and currently going back and forth between two books. Both books is written by Walter Dean Myers. The first book is called "MONSTER," and the other is "Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff." Im trying to choose a main book but I don't know which to choose.

The Book Monster is a book about a six-teen year old black male who's in jail and on trial for murder. It's written like a play in the theatre. The book Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff is about a boy named Francis. Francis (AKA stuff) doesn’t know anyone or anything when he first moves to 116th street in Harlem. But everything changes when he meets Fast Sam, cool Clyde and Gloria Stuff and the gang our closer. They get in jail 3 times. One for making noise, The other for trying to save an old ladies purse and the other for drugs. But that all brought them closer as Stuff fell in love with Clyde’s little sister, Kitty. They end up getting old and moving away.