Monday, December 7, 2009

Book Review " Fast Sam "

I read a little bit of this book, and it starts off explaining everyone and everything. There's a guy named Binky who's Stuff's friend, and he can just about beat up everyone on their block which is 116th street. So there's a girl he liked named Debbie, but supposivily another boy named Robin liked her too. Robin was found to be tough also. So when Binky and Robin bumped into eachother on 116th street things got a little heated. Words were exchanged and a fight broke out. Bink verse Robin. Robin was winning at first but Binky came back and started to get his stuff right. Then, they was wrestling ont he ground, and all of a sudden Binky screamed and Robin took off running. Robin lost but bit a piece of Binky's ear off. The whole mob ran to the hospital with Binky's ear. But when they arrived the caused a lot of commotion which caused everyone to get arrested. And that's where i stopped at. At this point I might be ready for more but lots of little birdys told me the book "MONSTER" was really good.

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